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#courage #power ✱ James Hollis

to be afraid of the powers within

linked mentions for "to be afraid of the powers within":

  1. a perspective on psychological work

    By shifting our perspective on history and embracing the present, we can unlock our true potential and break free from self-imposed limitations. Discover the transformative conversations with the Catalyst, a psychological coaching that helps individuals overcome fear and resistance, embrace their unique perspectives, and create better futures for themselves and others.

  2. maturity vs means of obtaining approval

    for some people, their good looks — for others, absolute unselfishness, absolute virility, superman ideas, absolute goodness, and all kinds of

  3. admire the lives of others

    if we but knew what drove, hounded, and compelled those whom we admire, we might truly not want to live their lives after all. few of us realize

  4. autonomous system that supports alignment

    wholeness involves aligning our outer choices with our inner reality. When the path we are on is right for our souls, the energy is there. When what