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#artist #culture ✱ Oscar Wilde

true artist and amusing craftsman

linked mentions for "true artist and amusing craftsman":

  1. enacting behaviour of others
    subjective and relative notion … trained observer can tell whether a given action is spontaneous or compulsive what is important to one person is of
  2. individualism realisation receptivity and imagination
    art as mode of individualism true artist and amusing craftsman to create for the artistic joy receptivity and imaginative medium be thyself and the
  3. this is why artists are modest
    “This is why artists are modest. They know they’re not doing the work; they’re just taking dictation. It’s also why”noncreative people” hate
  4. to create for the artistic joy
    Things people say of a man do not alter a man, he is what he is, public opinion is of no value whatsoever. To create not for the artistic joy, but