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9 notes tagged "phenomenology"

  1. integrative role of buildings and cities  
    The essential mental task of buildings is accommodation and integration. They project our human measures and sense of order into the measureless and
    #buildings #phenomenology #spatiality #imagination
  2. heidegger husserl hermeneutic phenomenology  
    Heidegger reformulated Edmund Husserl’s approach summarized as “to the things themselves!” as “to let that which shows itself be seen from itself in
  3. extending individual therapy to collective  
    We’re not attacking therapy so much as trying to extend it, reveal its blind spots … it’s not the idea of doing therapy that is wrong; there are
    #phenomenology #therapeutic #discovery #collective
  4. body mind experience and descartes  
    phenomenology of the body refutes Descartes' dualism on the basis of the body/mind experience Descartes was attempting to organize. He has also
    #phenomenology #cartesian
  5. spiral of silence  
    The German political scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann coined the term “spiral of silence” in 1974 to refer to a phenomenon that we see often
    #phenomenology #confidence
  6. Hillman - an artist of psychology  
    re-visioning writing about psychology; style and imagination are method; empiricism has it’s own style and need not be taken literally on it’s own
    #artist #imagination #empiricism #phenomenology
  7. Metaphysics of Quality  
    “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, Robert Pirsig’s philosophical novel, 1974 and expanded in Lila: An Inquiry into Morals (1991) ZAMM
    #archetypes #symbols #phenomenology #subject
  8. linear structure  
    narratives have a linear structure driven by time, theories have a linear structure directed by logic speaking is linear, one word after another,
    #language #phenomenology #music
  9. Jung  
    ian psychoanalysis: we are all fragmented and divided, and knowingly or not, we’re all searching for our souls acquired mind; Taoist, culture
    #therapeutic #individuality #manly #womanly #phenomenology #subject

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