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5 notes tagged "spatiality"

  1. atmospheric and peripheral perception  
    Neurological investigations suggest that our processes of perception and cognition advance from the instantaneous grasp of entities towards the
    #spatiality #perception #buildings
  2. integrative role of buildings and cities  
    The essential mental task of buildings is accommodation and integration. They project our human measures and sense of order into the measureless and
    #buildings #phenomenology #spatiality #imagination
  3. the dominant sense of vision and the suppressed sense modality of touch  
    Body is truly the very locus of perception, reference, memory, thought, and consciousness, imagination, and integration. All the senses, including
    #buildings #embodiment #sensory #spatiality
  4. movement and action in space  
    Space places two fundamental constraints (that are reflected in though) on movement: proximity—near places are easier to get to than far ones; and
    #movement #spatiality #buildings
  5. sensory homunculus  
    Rather than representing the sizes of the body parts, the sizes of the cortical representations of the various body parts are proportional to the
    #sensory #spatiality

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