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15 notes tagged "journey"

  1. heron  
    In this letter, I explore the metaphor of the Heron battle an inner voice of doubt, represented by a croaking frog. I relate this to doing meaningful creative work by outlining principles from Steven Pressfield's “Do the Work.” We must engage with resistance and persist despite the obstacles. Just as the Heron achieves flight through courage and determination, we realise our potential by battling resistance and ship our creative or entrepreneurial work.
    #coaching #resistance #distraction #journey #letters
  2. the eye of the heron  
    In “The Eye of the Heron”, Ursula K. Le Guin’s characters must find the strength to stand up for their beliefs and work towards a better future. Luz
    #coaching #resistance #distraction #journey #bear
  3. to show up in the best way we can  
    shift from dependent psychology to psychospiritual independence perverse twins fear and lethargy That is all that life really asks of us, to show up
    #journey #courage #stoic
  4. developmental task of the swampland states  
    we are challenged to grow up, to take on the journey … such enlargement is often terrifying, it is also freeing and brings dignity and meaning to
    #journey #courage #therapeutic
  5. hero quest unifying pattern  
    one of the two great unifying mythic patterns (the other being the Eternal Return, the death-rebirth cycle), is the mythologem of the hero quest,
    #journey #myth #heroic
  6. experts of fear and confusion  
    The world is full of people who will tell you who you are, what you are, and what you are to do and not to do, they wander amid their unaddressed
    #experts #journey #accountability
  7. transferring journey to companionship  
    loneliness that serves both the achievement of personhood and the quality of any relationship … the more one can embrace one’s separateness, the
    #journey #solitude #individuality
  8. adapting servants of environment  
    we long to make sense of things, figure out who we are, wither bound, and to what end, while the eons roll on in their mindless ways. It falls then
    #journey #accountability
  9. rewriting undigested remnants  
    going backwards – regression belongs to the digestive mode … a good deal of remembering, its pain, its shame, is recapitulation, revising the
    #journaling #journey
  10. new faculty of four-dimensional consciousness  
    Every man of consciousness is somewhere on this journey, and it is of immeasurable help to know where you are on the scale of evolution. Almost all
    #journey #seriousman #suffering #simpleman #aging
  11. how to undertake the artist’s journey  
    We are all artists—whether we realize it or not, whether we like it or not—and we are all on an “artist’s journey.” The artist’s life is defined by
    #journey #artist
  12. inflation or egocentricity  
    When you have earned your enlightenment at the cost of the deep inner journey, your first reaction is often to personalize this experience, to own
    #egocentric #journey #archetypes

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