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8 notes tagged "coaching"

  1. heron  
    In this letter, I explore the metaphor of the Heron battle an inner voice of doubt, represented by a croaking frog. I relate this to doing meaningful creative work by outlining principles from Steven Pressfield's “Do the Work.” We must engage with resistance and persist despite the obstacles. Just as the Heron achieves flight through courage and determination, we realise our potential by battling resistance and ship our creative or entrepreneurial work.
    #coaching #resistance #distraction #journey #letters
  2. the eye of the heron  
    In “The Eye of the Heron”, Ursula K. Le Guin’s characters must find the strength to stand up for their beliefs and work towards a better future. Luz
    #coaching #resistance #distraction #journey #bear
  3. thrashing  
    In Seth Godin’s book “Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?”, the focus is on becoming a linchpin—a person who adds unique value to their organization
    #resistance #creative #coaching
  4. a perspective on psychological work  
    By shifting our perspective on history and embracing the present, we can unlock our true potential and break free from self-imposed limitations. Discover the transformative conversations with the Catalyst, a psychological coaching that helps individuals overcome fear and resistance, embrace their unique perspectives, and create better futures for themselves and others.
    #coaching #fiction #individuality #culture #change
  5. who is a good coach?  
    Coaching assumes clients possess emotional integration and focuses on creating the life they desire, not fixing problems. Effective coaching encourages clients to value themselves and set intrinsic, joy-filled goals. Coaches teach, but never impose their truths, allowing clients' self-realization. A mature coach nurtures self-actualization through awareness, responsibility, and authentic values. In contrast, younger, material-focused coaches prioritize winning, often causing dissatisfaction. Seasoned coaches prioritize nurturing, intuition, self-expression, and joy while aligning with clients' essence and remaining supportive observers.
    #coaching #introspective #therapeutic #individuality #bear
  6. why coach introspection?  
    Introspection, while potentially yielding valuable self-knowledge, may also lead to self-obsession and chronic rumination. Our culture often emphasizes objectivity and causality, hindering a more open, phenomenological inquiry into ourselves. Shifting toward a "resolving" approach and embracing paradoxical ideas can offer a more constructive path to self-understanding.
    #coaching #introspective #journaling #cartesian #society #bear
  7. what is introspection?  
    Embracing spontaneity and inner genius, we can reshape notions and know ourselves intimately. This self-knowledge lets us create our lives rather than follow others' expectations. Introspection through mindful inquiry illuminates our inner world. It helps us examine our beliefs, find our voice, and integrate our notions with outer reality. We can understand our roles and personalities, and the difference between our self-perception and others' views.
    #coaching #introspective #journaling #worldly #spontaneity #bear
  8. what are us?  
    In today's society, objective facts eclipse our subjective inner wisdom and somatic knowledge. We conform to external norms rather than self-determining our values. Knowledge is pursued compulsively without changing the methods of inquiry. To grow, we must release rigid plans and preconceptions. By embracing spontaneity and our inner genius, we can reshape notions and know ourselves intimately. This self-knowledge allows us to create our lives rather than follow others' expectations.
    #society #coaching #cartesian #introspective #journaling #bear

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